Friday, November 30, 2012

An award.

This is cool this morning, just received an award for the shorter version of "Witchery Afoot" that I posted in this competition. All the hard work of learning how to write effectively, relearn grammar I should have learned in school, create decent dialog and decent story lines is paying off.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Visitation

This little short story was an interesting one for me to write, it is classic horror but its not scary and there's even kind of a romantic element to the story. A widower (which I have been) who has been alone for six years is the central character. He's extremely lonely and though I don't directly mention he's rather elderly. There's no other woman Seth would ever want than his beloved Beverly. He's always been a one woman man. Finally, its time for him to go and his wife comes back to  lead him into the afterlife. It was a very refreshing story to write and I've made it permanently free.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Horror Bent release

Just uploaded the book to Smashwords, Amazon and Barnes & Noble and it's now available on all three sites. I'm even making a paperback version which will also be available through Amazon I believe by December 4th.

If you're in the mood for some occult horror, demon possession, reanimation of corpses this might be the book for you.

99 cents with this code XY22L

Also available at Amazon
 and Barnes & Noble