Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reading Terror by Gaslight

Right now I'm reading Terror by Gaslight and I'm most of the way through it. All of the stories are set in the period from 1860-1929. They span quite a gamut as you would expect from an anthology.
   One of my stories is in collection, A Spiritus Renascentis. In Latin the title translates to a spirit of rebirth or a spirit reborn. It's a creepy little tidbit from the world of death portraits. This one goes quite wrong though.
   So far the whole collection is really good and creepy. I'm not sure I can pick any favorites because all of the stories are quite good. I'm thinking most would work well being made into movies. 

Unlike what's usual for me I even read my own story and I have to say it's a good one. Of course I wrote it a year ago so it's been long enough. One of the rules I set when I set upon this writing quest was not to read anything I've written for at least one year. This collection has been in the works for a while now, originally it was to be published in Fall 2013.
   That something I wrote could make it into this collection quite frankly amazes me and greatly pleases me. You sometimes doubt your own ability to write. I think that's only natural though if you care about your craft and I do. Well, enough about me for now. 
   I believe the collection is to be available at many local bookstores. That was my understanding anyway. At the least I know you can order a print copy at the Barnes & Noble nearest you. It has been published in hard cover, paperback, and e-book. 
   Looking online I've found it in these places though there are, and will be, many more.