Susan's brother is in town visiting and we decided to take him up to North Cheyenne Canyon Park on Friday. He hadn't been there before so now there's a shared memory for all three of us.
It is my absolute favorite place to do some photography. I was also wanting to get a little more familiar with my new Canon. I think I did all of these with the 18-55mm lens since I wanted to go wide angle as much as possible. For several of them I was also using my ND filter set and I was doing a lot of shutter length bracketing. The ones making the cut aren't necessarily those with the longest exposures.
The first one is the top of Helen Hunt Falls. I don't believe I ever shot it this way before where I made the foot bridge central to the composition. I like it.
Both of these were shot from the foot bridge in the previous image.
We went to a picnic area further downstream which is where I shot all four of these. The stream shots I bracketed extensively and you're seeing what I think was the best. Those blue flowers are growing in several places on the stream bank. They look lovely.
I hope you have a great day today and enjoy life a bit.