Today, I signed "Beyond Realms" with Hall & Muscato. It will be going through a round of edits soon.
Recently, I signed "An Ill Wind Cometh" with Authors Allies. 2nd round of edits should be back in the next few days.
Cirque D'Obscure has a short story I wrote entitled "Final Wager" and came out 28 Oct on the CH&BB imprint, in a little over a week Klarissa Dreams comes out and has my short story "Whole World in a Raindrop" in it.
Of course I've been starting to work on one of the next books also which is a thriller. I probably will be coming out with it next year. My life is crazy these days and I couldn't be happier. I kind of wish I could afford some champagne right now.
Most of my books will available in your local bookstore in the next few weeks also, even those that haven't been signed. Yes, you will be able to go into Barnes & Noble and order a copy at a minimum.