in the US we're having Thanksgiving. Most will be having a big dinner and fall
asleep during the football game. I myself never really understood the
attraction of the game but nonetheless to each their own. No, I'm not a
football fan. My wife however is a Green Bay Packers fan. I've kidded her a few
times about donning a Broncos or a Vikings jersey and then cheer the opposing
team. For some reason she didn't find that very funny.
personally very thankful for what we have. We have a roof over our heads, I’ve
got a happy marriage, and all of the bills are paid up to date. Considering how
the economy was it could have been much worse. More recently I signed two of my
books with two different publishers, the second one should have the re-edits
complete soon and then will be re-released. I’m already looking forward to what
will be coming up in the next year and I’m glad I got to experience the whole traditional
publishing process. It’s new, it’s exciting, and it’s a different process than
all of the rest of my books have been.
what are you thankful for this year? I’m sure there’s plenty if you think about