Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Gardens botanical garden

On our return from our vacation we needed to take a break and stretch our legs a bit. Luckily, in a Google search, I found out about "The Gardens on Spring Creek" botanical garden in Ft. Collins, CO. Having been there I can tell you it's quite a beautiful place. If you get a chance you should go visit.
Here's part of the shoot of the day and I do hope you enjoy the images. Tomorrow I'll post the rest.

Thank you so much for allowing me to share my images with you. I do appreciate it.
Until next time get out there and try to enjoy your life too.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

On the way

After we left Deadwood, SD I managed to get us lost. Even worse, I was completely out of roaming internet on my phone so my GPS wouldn't work. The only reason I know the name of the creek in the next three images is because I took a picture of the highway sign at the bridge. The highway number is 14A, and creek is Spearfish Creek.
As I was driving down the highway I noticed several pro photographers who were shooting images. Why I think they were pros is the $1500+ lenses they were using. I think one was using a pretty expensive Manfrotto tripod too. The equipment is the ones you see advertised in Outdoor Photographer which I subscribe to.
About a mile from where I seen the pros all set up I pulled at what seemed to be a good spot for capturing a few images. The middle one is usable for Viewbug I think.

Later on I got us on the right road which was US 85 S. After a while I needed to take a break and stretch my legs so I pulled over at this roadside table. Then, I noticed this old road. After studying it a few moments I realized it's the former US 85 from before the section I was driving on. This was what you would have driven on in the 1940's. Rather narrow compared to today's road standards.
The next image after I panned right to capture some of the adjoining scenery.

That's it for now. Have a great day and try to enjoy your life.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Deadwood, SD

After visiting the Crazy Horse, and Mt Rushmore monuments we went up to Deadwood, South Dakota. It's gambling, and tourist town. While Susan was doing a bit of gambling I went wandering to capture a few images. In the first image I'm posting here is one of the first views I'd seen. Since there was little traffic, as you can see, I got into the middle of the road where I stood to capture this image.

While walking I noticed this staircase inside of one of the casinos. I kind of wanted to go inside to get slightly different framing, but casinos are usually rather averse to your bringing a camera inside the casino and start snapping pictures.

This one was kind of cool. I got the motorcycle, and rider, sharp and clear as I panned, and the surroundings are blurred a bit. All in all rather nice, and I think next week I'll upload it to Viewbug.

While I was walking down the street I noticed this tower. It caught my eye. As I got closer this particular framing I thought would be interesting, and it is to me. This image I did upload on Viewbug a little bit ago.

After capturing the image of the tower I began walking back to where I started explorations down the street. Each street I passed I looked down it. Down this little street to my surprise it was only a block long, and there were stairs at the end of it.

Here's a closer look at the stairs which I did climb.

At the top of the stairs this is what I seen. The victorian houses, and the changing trees nicely worked together in an artistic sense. This image also ended up on Viewbug.

Looking into casino windows I noticed this huge slot machine that's facing the window.  I decided it might make a nice frame, and for me, the reflections adds to the image. After waiting a few moments to observe the reflections, and frame accordingly, I pushed the shutter button. This picture I also uploaded to Viewbug this morning.

That's all for now. Tomorrow I think I'll post some more from another one of the spots we went to in our recent vacation travels.
Have a great day, and try to enjoy your life a bit.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Mt Rushmore #3

 We went to Mt. Rushmore on the 29th also a bit after we stopped at the Crazy Horse. Of course I captured some images from the monument.
This image turns out to be pretty similar to several post cards. Great minds think alike I suppose.

I got closer and decided to try the composition again. This one I like better.

Then I tried to get the people walking into the monument along with the flags.

It's not too often I get into the frame but this time I did.

Here are the four faces. It isn't often I use the 75-300 mm zoom but this time I did. 

Close ups of the four faces.

 We went through a museum at the monument. Here are some of the clay model outtakes. I really like the last one I'm posting here. It kind of has a surrealistic quality to it.

It was an enjoyable visit. Years ago I was a truck driver and I was routed near the monument. It was the middle of the night. I couldn't stop because I was on a tight schedule as always when you drive a truck for a living. I think the monument was probably closed too. The thing I remember most is they had the monument lit up.
Tomorrow I should be posting some images from Deadwood, SD which is where we stopped next.
Have a great day and try to enjoy your life a bit.

Mt Rushmore #2

 We went to Mt. Rushmore on the 29th also a bit after we stopped at the Crazy Horse. Of course I captured some images from the monument.
This image turns out to be pretty similar to several post cards. Great minds think alike I suppose.

I got closer and decided to try the composition again. This one I like better.

Then I tried to get the people walking into the monument along with the flags.

It's not too often I get into the frame but this time I did.

Here are the four faces. It isn't often I use the 75-300 mm zoom but this time I did. 

Close ups of the four faces.

 We went through a museum at the monument. Here are some of the clay model outtakes. I really like the last one I'm posting here. It kind of has a surrealistic quality to it.

It was an enjoyable visit. Years ago I was a truck driver and I was routed near the monument. It was the middle of the night. I couldn't stop because I was on a tight schedule as always when you drive a truck for a living. I think the monument was probably closed too. The thing I remember most is they had the monument lit up.
Tomorrow I should be posting some images from Deadwood, SD which is where we stopped next.
Have a great day and try to enjoy your life a bit.

Mt Rushmore #1

 We went to Mt. Rushmore on the 29th also a bit after we stopped at the Crazy Horse. Of course I captured some images from the monument.
This image turns out to be pretty similar to several post cards. Great minds think alike I suppose.

I got closer and decided to try the composition again. This one I like better.

Then I tried to get the people walking into the monument along with the flags.

It's not too often I get into the frame but this time I did.

Here are the four faces. It isn't often I use the 75-300 mm zoom but this time I did. 

Close ups of the four faces.

 We went through a museum at the monument. Here are some of the clay model outtakes. I really like the last one I'm posting here. It kind of has a surrealistic quality to it.

It was an enjoyable visit. Years ago I was a truck driver and I was routed near the monument. It was the middle of the night. I couldn't stop because I was on a tight schedule as always when you drive a truck for a living. I think the monument was probably closed too. The thing I remember most is they had the monument lit up.
Tomorrow I should be posting some images from Deadwood, SD which is where we stopped next.
Have a great day and try to enjoy your life a bit.