After visiting the Crazy Horse, and Mt Rushmore monuments we went up to Deadwood, South Dakota. It's gambling, and tourist town. While Susan was doing a bit of gambling I went wandering to capture a few images. In the first image I'm posting here is one of the first views I'd seen. Since there was little traffic, as you can see, I got into the middle of the road where I stood to capture this image.
While walking I noticed this staircase inside of one of the casinos. I kind of wanted to go inside to get slightly different framing, but casinos are usually rather averse to your bringing a camera inside the casino and start snapping pictures.
This one was kind of cool. I got the motorcycle, and rider, sharp and clear as I panned, and the surroundings are blurred a bit. All in all rather nice, and I think next week I'll upload it to Viewbug.
While I was walking down the street I noticed this tower. It caught my eye. As I got closer this particular framing I thought would be interesting, and it is to me. This image I did upload on Viewbug a little bit ago.
After capturing the image of the tower I began walking back to where I started explorations down the street. Each street I passed I looked down it. Down this little street to my surprise it was only a block long, and there were stairs at the end of it.
Here's a closer look at the stairs which I did climb.
At the top of the stairs this is what I seen. The victorian houses, and the changing trees nicely worked together in an artistic sense. This image also ended up on Viewbug.
Looking into casino windows I noticed this huge slot machine that's facing the window. I decided it might make a nice frame, and for me, the reflections adds to the image. After waiting a few moments to observe the reflections, and frame accordingly, I pushed the shutter button. This picture I also uploaded to Viewbug this morning.
That's all for now. Tomorrow I think I'll post some more from another one of the spots we went to in our recent vacation travels.
Have a great day, and try to enjoy your life a bit.