Friday, July 19, 2013

Inspiration Unlimited magazine.

I recently received a message through Facebook from Preethi Kashyap inviting me to start writing for Inspiration Unlimited e-magazine. She’s one of the editors with the publication. It’s not a magazine that I’d ever heard of before the invite. After checking through the list of contributors I found that I recognized a few of the names. I accepted the invitation and here is the first article I wrote for them.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

His Boss Lady cover reveal

Emma Michaels gets off on people calling her ma’am and fearing the fear the sound of her four inch heels instills as she stomps by her employees’ offices. The intelligent female worked hard to make partner at Johnson, Franks and Michaels and will not let anything distract her from work. With her path set firmly towards the future she has no idea that a young intern is coming to derail her plans. Tyler Higgins is proving to be a distraction that creates chaos and anxiety in Emma’s world. Will the young and handsome Higgins take the exec to school or has she met her match?

Tyler Higgins is a shark. The master of everything he touches comes from a long line of CEOs and self-starting businessmen. Landing his dream internship was icing on already well-dressed cake, but shadowing a woman was not what he had in mind. Emma Michaels’ attitude about work drives him crazy, and he cannot help but test her every chance he gets. However, not wanting to shadow Emma does not stop Tyler from thinking of the naughty things he could do to the buxom brunette haired beauty. Yes, this is dangerous territory.

Author Bio:
Emily Walker loves creating worlds and stumbling around in them. She is constantly losing her chap-stick, and has an obsession with the color pink. Currently a resident of the mountains and loving the view she writes mostly paranormal fiction, and horror. Her small family consists of her red bearded other half, a rat terrier named Rebel, and a cat called Mr. Creepy.

(I personally love the name of the cat  ;-P )

Interview with Ey Wade

Thank you for taking your time out of your busy day to be here today. I took a look at the books that you've written. Some of them are really fascinating to me from the descriptions that I've read.
Let's first talk about, "The Perfect Solution." What was your purpose in writing the book?"
My idea was to first entertain and then to have the reader question their beliefs and blind trust in the childcare profession. Most parents drop off their children and never give it a second thought. Things happen quickly and they aren't always for the better.
Were there any specific incidents that led you towards the story concept?
Oh yes. I've worked in childcare system for over 30 years, so many of the incident in the book have happened. I've rescued a child after it was left in park by a preschool center.
Now, I would like to ask you a little about, "Beads on a String." Why a multicultural history?
Well, the idea for the book came about while homeschooling my youngest. We were going through book after book researching for Black history month. Its very disheartening to see America's history written as separate as we live on the daily and I thought it would be awesome to read of every everyone's accomplishment in one book.
The cover shows a string of beads. Why is that?
You're right it does. The book has a string of multicolored beads the cover to represent my belief:
“I feel that we as Americans are all equal and held together by a common thread. Like a treasured beaded necklace of different colors held together on a string, we are held together by our necessities and our circumstances and our humanity. Every color helps to make the necklace beautiful. We can never be a totally separate entity! Americans of all colors are so integrated that if we hurt one, we hurt all. Just like that necklace of treasured beads, leave one out and the gap is seen. Break the chain and many of us are lost.”
What new things did you learn during your research that you didn't expect to find?
I learned of things invented by different races I assumed were invented by White people. I learned so much it was astounding .
Do you forsee a time when color and race, as we know, doesn't exist anymore?
I think things as we see it will eventually change. It has to come from the youth because many elders have their bias so deeply iningrained they can't see beyond color. I believe if the contributions of every race is taught daily, no one would think they , as a race of people. Are better than another.
You write children's books also. Found the concept of the Sun being given a hug during an eclipse in, "Who Will Hug the Sun?" to be really interesting. Where did that idea come from?
This little book was born from the conversation I had with one of my daughters. She wanted to know who could hug the sun. When a kid is two...three you come up with a lot of stories. I have three two more written in the 'In My Sister's World series and am working on a few more.
These are all stories pertaining to experiences with my daughter's.
I have picture books featuring my grandson
wishing to 'be' published
Are there any books you're working on at present?Oh, yes. I have a novel Tripping Prince Charming. Coming out in August 8th. This is the story of three female friends denying the fairy tale romance theory and giving every man who crossed their paths a hard time. You can read about them on their blog, http://trippingprincecharming
I have a few more fiction and nonfiction billabong the works.
Where can we find more of your books? All of my books can be found in the major bookstores near you.
Visit my. Com Wade-In Publishing for the specific links, to see videos and to learn so much more.
Thank you so much for your time, I enjoyed having you here today.
Thank you very much for having me, it's been fun I love talking.