I can finally say I've written a book that has been traditionally published, "Beyond Realms." It's quite an amazing experience from the time you have the initial discussions to the time you're holding a contract in your hands. A bit later on you'll even hold a copy of the resulting book in your hands. There are so many different emotions that you experience. You feel validated as an author regardless of how many books you've written and published of which I've produced twenty different stand alone projects. I also have several short stories that have been, or will be published.
Publishers see a lot of manuscripts over time and many of them they reject. It doesn't matter what book it is rejection is common. The average best seller on the New York Times best seller list was probably rejected around 40 times before it was published. At least that's my understanding.
In many ways I never imagined that it would happen with something I've written. It's not like I've sent out manuscripts all over the place. I've heard of so many author's having lots of rejection letters. One in particular that I can think of is Stephen King who was so frustrated at the whole process that he threw the manuscript for Carrie in the trash. His wife saved it from going to the dump.
Still, all in all, I'm happy. I'm also going to be writing a long time into the future. It's a part of me now and will always continue to be.
Here's my profile on the publisher's web site. http://www.hallmuscatopublishing.com/authors/brian-bigelow-author/
Here's where the book is listed: http://www.hallmuscatopublishing.com/books/just-for-kids/study-hall/
I will note that the publisher also offers alacarte items like editing, etc. as a side business. I've had a few mention it and it makes sense since all of that has been set up for the author's signed with them. Random House and Penguin does that also by the way.