Saturday, August 22, 2015

Mt Shasta

We had to go to Yreka to pick up a number of things for Susan's mother Peggy. We're done with that now and we're enjoying our vacation time starting today. For the first leg of travelling Susan was driving. Tomorrow I'll be driving us to Reno after we visit the fish hatchery.

This is Lake Shasta today. As you can see the water level is quite low. I'd seen several boat loading docks that no longer reach the surface of the water level. I estimate the reservoir is approximately 30% of capacity.

All throughout the west coast I've noticed a lot of dead grass. There just hasn't been the normal amount of rainfall even in Washington and Oregon. This picture was taken near Yreka. 

We reached Mt Shasta City and one of the first places we went is Shasta City Park. All around us were tall trees. There are Redwoods and White Pines. I estimate these trees are at least two hundred years old. It hit me that I should fire off a frame up into the canopy. Very nice.

In the park was this cool little foot bridge I had to photograph.

This is the stream that runs through the park and I photographed it from the bridge.

Susan on the bridge.

She was a bit tired from the last few days. I, of course, wandered around a bit more.

I tried another frame of the canopy. This one isn't quite as good as the other one.

I thought the pathway was cool.

Of course doing the tourist thing you have to get at least one of Mt Shasta.

Over the next few days we'll be in several places and I'll take plenty of photos which I will post in a future blog or two.