Sunday, May 6, 2012

New stories!

I've now written three complete short stories in the last week. All three are definitely not the same thing as what I have been writing. A couple of them really pushed the boundaries for me in fact.

Two of the short stories are fiction and one of those, The Box, was submitted for possible inclusion into a young adult anthology. Because there was a word count restriction I couldn't develop all of the story as of yet. So, starting tomorrow I start to fill in all of the gaps that I couldn't because of the requirements.

The second fiction piece is pure fantasy. Imagine becoming a raindrop on a leaf or a flower. You go on journey to the ocean and back while a raindrop. This one was really interesting and could become part of something longer.

The other piece is not fiction. Starts quite traumatically in fact with the death of my first wife. It relates how I came back from that morning in 2001 and the loss that happened. It's another piece that could very easily become something much larger.

Well, it looks like I will be busy for a while and you'll soon have some new reading material. :-)

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