Saturday, September 8, 2012

My review for Total Blueprint for World Domination by Jolene Stockman

Let me say first I love the way this book has been written. Though it is written for young adults and teens I feel older adults can get something out of it also. It is after all about you empowering yourself to achieve your goals. Of course it includes quite a good roadmap of how to you can create achievable goals for yourself.

I consider it a very uplifting book with an extremely positive message for everyone. It's one I would have wanted my teenagers to read when they were growing up. In fact I personally would recommend this book to anyone wanting to make a career change. Even though it wasn't written for that purpose I feel it will help with seeing a few aspects clearly from a slightly different viewpoint.

This is a very well written and concise book. Just about anything you don't need has been eliminated in my opinion.

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