Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nature Call's

I had the opportunity to read, "Nature Calls" a while back and I thought it was really good. It's kind of a shared world anthology like those I work on for my publisher, Perseid. As a rule, there's a common theme that will run through every story. In this case, the common theme is nature. My favorite character of all would have to be the Sasquatch. I really liked him.

A little earlier I had a talk with the author, Bonnie Bernard about the book.

Brian: Where did the idea come from for this book?
Bonnie: The idea came to my husband and I one night while we were camping way, way out in the far corners of the Idaho back country. We'd been sitting out in the dark, enjoying the glow of a warm campfire...when a bear snuffled into our camp. Our fearless dog whined and hid behind me, I hollered, "Oh crap!" and my husband shuffled us inside the van. We left everything else outside. The bear pawed around our campsite for a few hours and then wandered off. Meanwhile, we plugged in my laptop and wrote the rough draft for "Transportal Potty".

Brian: How did you like writing Howie and the Sasquatch in this book?
Bonnie: Howie and Sasquatch came about because many of my reader-base has a thing for the human-hating demon and I wanted to give them a little treat. Howie thinks Yeti is acceptable, probably because he's not a human.
Brian: You've said before that there is a wildlife organization is who benefits from the books royalties. What charity is it?
Bonnie: The first 100.00 in proceeds goes to Wildlifeforever.org


Here is where you can find the book. http://www.amazon.com/Nature-Calls-ebook/dp/B00AOF616S

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