Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Foot bridge

Every morning on my way to work I pass under a foot bridge that extends over I-25. I've been wanting to photograph it but never took the time to do so until three days ago. Here are the images I captured.

On the ramp leading up to the bridge itself there are these neat frames. I thought it would look really cool with the fall colors showing through.

Near the bridge is a park where I also decided to capture a few frames. This bench over looking the lake looks to inviting. I could see myself spending some time sitting on the bench watching the lake.

Adjoining the park is a heirloom garden. This guy is guarding it. I thought he deserved an image.

On Thursday we're headed up to Cripple Creek once more. We'll be spending the night in this nice hotel up there that over looks the entire town. If you do get into Cripple Creek you might want to stay at the Gold King Mountain Inn. So far, this year, out of the hotels, and motels, we've stayed at it's one of the few I can heartily recommend.
While we're in the vicinity we're probably going to go over to Victor, CO which is only a few miles from Cripple Creek. The last time I was there was when I was a teenager and my grandparents went through the town. It'll be interesting to see it once more after close to 40 years. Even better I'll have a camera this time. I should be able to make up for the one short memory from back then.
Probably the best memory I have from Cripple Creek from back then was panning for gold one time. As I recall I don't think I managed to find any gold in the pan but do remember doing it. It's funny the things you remember.
I'm done with my reminiscing for now. Have a great day and I'll be posting again soon.

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