Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Box

The Box will soon be in final editing stages. The primary cabinet/furniture maker is based on some actual people. Three+ to be a little more exact. Roy Underhill of the PBS program Woodwright's Shop, Norm Abrams of the PBS program New Yankee Workshop and to an extent myself.

I really look up to both Roy and Norm and have learned a lot of the little bit of carpentry I do from both of them. It isn't everyone that would write a book with those individuals as models but that's what I've done.

The story is actually an unusual one, definitely not what you would normally see. A young kid becomes an apprentice in a cabinet/furniture making shop. He also becomes close friends with the cabinet maker of the story.

I really do hope everyone likes it and it's not a very long read at about 12,000 words.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone, powered by Cricket.

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