Saturday, December 31, 2011

This last year

It has been an exciting year for me all around. A little over a year ago I started my "Get the Job" group on Facebook, a couple of weeks ago I started this blog. I've also written a couple of books on hunting for jobs. One of the books "Additional Considerations" I made available as a freebie and a lot of copies have been downloaded. I've even had some success in my actual job in retail and am now working 40 hours per week now.

Why I started the Facebook group was that I wanted to help some with their job hunts. There are so many people that are looking for jobs that I wanted to do a little something about it. This blog is kind of an extension of that desire to help people. The reason for the books is also to help some job hunters, mainly my 20 year old Sons in their job hunt. If the books help some others also that is even better. If this next years goes as well as the last one has I've feel extremely blessed.

Enjoy the new year, I wish you much success.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone, powered by Cricket.

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