Thursday, May 10, 2012

An interview with author SJ Byrne.

BB: It's really great to have you here SJ to be interviewed and I would like to thank you. Could you tell my readers a little more about you?

Hiya Brian! Thanks for having me! Hmmm a little more about me...well I'm..... hahahaha

BB: I was just reading a bit of My Butterfly, very intense book. Some could consider it very disturbing with some of the images of the sexual and mental abuse that occurred at the beginning. Why did you write it?

I wrote it because Katherine would not leave me alone until I did. No seriously! I was walking through Victoria Park in Glasgow, Scotland and had this sensation of a presence kind of hanging out with me. At that point in my life I hadn't written anything of substance in probably 15 years. But suddenly I had this overwhelming urge to grab a piece of paper and start scribbling my thoughts down. Basically, Katherine was downloading a rough idea of her story into my head.

BB: Was there something you were intending to accomplish?

Only to get Katherine's story out of me. Yea, that was it. Writing her story was a difficult journey into some very tough situations and emotions. Many times after a particularly intense scene I was exhausted to the point I couldn't write again for a month or more.

BB: Could you tell your readers a bit more about the book, why should they put it at the top of their reading list?

Because it's a damn good read! No, seriously...for far too long we have shoved abuse and its consequences under the rug to be forgotten. For anything to be healed it needs to be revealed. My Butterfly gives a unique outlook on one woman's ability to face the choices she made in her life and how she comes to terms with
forgiving herself for those choices. And if they are at all intrigued by Scotland, they will LOVE the scenery depicted within.

BB: What are you working on at present SJ that you would like to tell your readers about?

I'm working with my daughter Alex Byrne on a paranormal series I started writing back in 1996 - yano, when Anne Rice was the only author really getting recognition for writing this kind of stuff. I haven't really found a way to talk about it yet without giving away the entire story! LOL But I will say this, keep an eye out for "Once a Druid"

BB: What made you decide to start a career in writing?

It decided me. I've always been a writer - since grade school even. Teachers knew they
were grading my pieces even when we used numbers to signify ownership instead of names.
It took me a long time to make a connection between my deep dark moody side and my writing.
When I don't write, I'm not very fun to be around - I don't even want to be around me when
I haven't been writing for too long.

BB: What fuels and brings out your creativity SJ?

Anything can spark my creativity into action - a scent, a song, a visual aid. I'm not the kind
of writer that plots and plans things out. An idea will pop into my head and I sit down to write.
I don't work from an outline so I never know what's coming next - I read it as it appears on
the screen. Doesn't that sound like fun?! =) And let me tell you, my muse has a wicked
sense of humor.

BB: Is there any advice that you'd care to offer to new authors that might be reading this?

Even if you don't believe in your abilities, if writing is what you love to do - never give up! The old saying is true - where there's a will, there's a way. Even if its the smallest grain of sand sized will - the way will be revealed! I'm living proof.

BB: So where can we find out more about you and your books?

My books can be found on Amazon
I have a video trailer for My Butterfly on Youtube
Fans can also interact with me on my blog

BB: Thanks so much for stopping by my author's blog to talk with us SJ. Is there anything else you'd like to leave my readers with?

I'd like to leave you with Katherine's message - "Love is all there is, dare to fly!"
Thanks for having me Brian! It's always a pleasure chatting with you. =)

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